Friday, November 27, 2009

Perplexation: The Function and Purpose of a Catholic Blog.

Blogging is an interesting... hobby. [I pause because I wonder if it is more than a hobby and maybe something else?] Usually, the blogger starts with a purpose, and through their posts the strive to achieve that purpose. As they post more, this purpose changes and grows. The blog they once envisioned has become something quite surprising. [Sometimes this is a good thing, and for some not so good.]

For example, I started my blog for a couple of reasons:
  • As Pope John Paul II said, we live in the "Culture of Death" our world and our culture is not one of life and Christ, but instead of Death and Relativism. Such lies can only come from one... the Deceiver, the King of Lies... Satan. Therefore, I wanted a place to discuss the battle against such evil and a place to discuss the battle against the "Culture of Death."
  • After going to a catholic professional school for 3 years, I learned a lot about my faith, my vocation, and how one can inter-weave faith and life into a way which not only brings Greater Glory to God, but upholds your family and friends in a way that helps facilitate the same from them.
  • I also saw a battle waging in our Church, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. This battle is between Relativism and Reverence. It is over whether faith is supposed to be centered and focused on US, the people of the Church; or if our faith should be centered on God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit - all one in the same the summit of reality. I saw that as our culture descended deeper and deeper into relativism, hedonism, and self-indulgence I saw many in our Church doing the same.
  • Finally, after officially entering the Church a few years back, I have dedicated myself to learning as much as I can about the faith. I know that through discussions with my friends, they enjoyed my take on certain aspects of it, and I decided this would be a good platform to discuss certain matters, and at the same time sharing knowledge with others about what I have found, and what I am interested in.
So the beginnings really were benign. Yet, I was aware of the pitfalls and problems. Through past exposure to blogs and small communities, I witnessed the problematic and divisive nature that they can take on when there is disagreement over fundamental principles. I also know how that can be compounded by "anonymous" blogging while at the same time not keeping the institution, organization, and personalities featured on the blogs "anonymous" at the same time. In other words, I know that when blogs call out people and places, but the bloggers themselves remains "anonymous" this only grows the divisiveness. So from the beginning, I tried not to explicitly mention my parish, specific people, or make any attacks on individuals if they weren't already public figures. [In other words, public figures are fair game.]

I have taken inventory on my goals and purpose, and realized that some of my posting has been quite sarcastic and borders on being un-charitable. That is the last thing I want. As a more tradional-"ist" Catholic I know that a majority of Catholics don't agree with or practice the faith exactly like I do. I know we all have likes and dislikes. I have always made it a point to do things with my faith only if there is a purpose and if that purpose is directed at the Mystery of our faith. If it is simply because I "like it" better or it "is more comfortable" I choose not to do it, because that isn't what our faith is about, at least for the most part.

So moving forward, I will focus less on such sarcastic posts and more on my original goals. I want a blog that Catholic men and women can come to that enriches their faith life. I don't want a blog that creates dissension and anger. This isn't in response to any specific conversation or event, but it is because as I meet more people in my parish, I realize that being the new guy my traditionalist views may not be quickly understood by fellow parishioners and when read on-line could be taken incorrectly. It is also hard for some to realize that someone as myself who has such firm views could be accepting and understanding of others who don't necessarily share my view. I know that ultra-"uber"-Catholics are often rigid, un-moving, and judging. Although I would like to think that I am none of these, I know that such labels could be placed upon me because of the views I hold and espouse.

I don't want to be weak and flacid, but at the same time I think that it is charitable to restrain yourself when you know that your actions, even when appropriate and correct, will do more harm then good. I think that prudence should rule the day when it comes to blogging, and I am no master of prudence. Therefore as we approach Advent, that is going to be my goal - PRUDENCE. I will not hold back on all things, but when it comes to the sarcasm and "preferences" I show on this blog, I will be more discerning in when and how I make such things known. I will also try and do a better job of explaining WHY I think the way I do... so that those that disagree with me, will understand that I am simply not doing so in a knee jerk reactionary way, but instead it is based on firm philosophical and theological ground. I also want readers to know that I am always willing to discuss things, and my email is posted for all to use. My rule for myself has always been that if I say anything I must be willing to explain it, answer for it, and apoligize for it when I am incorrect.

So moving forward...I hope to post less sacasm and fewer flippant posts, and more posts explaining why I think and believe the way that I do. I think in the end this will serve this blog, my readers, myself and the Church better in the end.

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