Tuesday, November 24, 2009

If you buy: "For your entertainment" you fail...

... especially if you are a parent. What Adam Lambert and ABC did on the AMA's on Sunday night was inexcusable. If you think for one second that his performance wasn't contrived or "hoped" for by ABC you are terribly wrong.

This was the "American Idol" heart-throb. Mom's especially seemed to love him and want him to win... bet they feel pretty stupid. Or do they?

You cannot separate his music from his "act." You cannot separate who he is from what he is. Is this the image of a man you want for your daughter?

Adam Lamber said that there is a "double standard" in the media and entertainment world. He is half right. There is a double standard... but it isn't the one that Mr. Lambert argues. Instead, the cultural and media elitist argue for acceptance and tolerance... but they don't tolerate our point of view. It isn't about co-existence. They want to eliminate our way of life and our beliefs - because only then can theirs survive.

So again... if you buy this album and you are a parent - then you fail as a parent.

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