There are links and words in this post that are NOT SAFE FOR Children/Catholic/Crocodiles/Captains (NSFC)
Now... before I begin, I just want to explain why I am willing to post such things. I am not PROMOTING or even CONDONING what is "behind" the links I am posting. Sometimes though, to make points and explain things I need to link directly to the source. I will not ever post anything directly viewable on *this
* site that is inappropriate, but links may contain questionable material. Before making such posts, I will always attempt to warn readers. (Probably not with big red words, but in some manner)
Ok so this week there was a lot of talk about Rush Limbaugh possibly becoming a part owner in the St. Louis Rams. He explains the situation in his own words in the Wall Street Journal.

A lot of other media sources have their own take, which essentially take the position that this was all about race, but not because they wanted it to be, but because Rush had made it that way. Unfortunately that is not the truth. Media outlets like VIBE described the battle to be about principles and standing up against "hatred." What they didn't know was the double standard they were espousing.
WAIT!?!?! What? Not sure how that creates a double standard? Well let's start with a couple of presuppositions.
- Let's say that Rush's past is tainted with "questionable comments."
- Let's say that if nothing else he has made poor word choices.
- Let's say that he has publicly said and done things that are hurtful to players and the image of certain players in the NFL, especially black NFL'ers.
Ok, now that we have our jumping off point, and I am not saying I believe all those things, or that they are true - it is simply painting things in the strongest light for the anti-Rush camp. Unfortunately, there are SEVERAL other part owners that currently have done much worse, than we are even placing on Rush with our heavy handed presuppositions.
Don't believe me? Check out the pithy post over at Big Hollywood: NFL Owners
I won't even mention words Plaxico, Pac-man, Donte', or Vick. That would be just too easy. Even eliminating those criminals, you are still left with a motley crew of owners. I guess what is good for the goose, ISNT good for the gander...
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