Not everyone seems to be happy with the news from Rome and England today. There are those out there that see this as something that it is not. Why they see it that way, really depends on who is doing the talking.
What is most disturbing though is that a lot of the whining is coming from a certain strand of Catholics. I dare use a label or the L-word. But these murmurs definitely spawn from a certain ideological or philosophical platform.
A good example of this is Michael Winter's piece on the America website. You see, the displeasure is not immediately apparent. It is hidden in undertones and semantic stylings. Some, like the AmericanPapist, laughingly theorize that it is out of some "fear" Winter's has that these Anglicans might be more "Catholic" than he. There seems to be a strain with these Catholics that these reconciliations (SSPX, Anglican, etc...) are an affront to their "way" of life. The perceive this as a Gerrymandering of types. If there is an influx of more 'traditional' elements to the faith, added to the already growing trend of traditionalist within the faith, where does that leave the 'progressive/liberal/new style Catholic?'
You see, Winter's states in his piece:
But, I worry, too, that some of these newcomers will also be nostalgists, anti-feminists, and anti-gay bigots. The ordaining of an openly gay bishop in New Hampshire is not something I would have advised, but after all these centuries of schism, I am not sure why that should have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. The first email I received this morning was from a Jewish friend who saw this aspect of the development when he wrote: "Do you think Pope B- might set up a Jewish rite if we asked him? We could call it Judaism. He could call it unity with church. Everyone's happy."Sure, he laces his words with "bad" language, the type that makes you easily agree. Words like 'anti,' bigot, and schism. But when was reconciliation ever a bad thing? When did we shoot the 'Prodigal Son' simply because he returned? Also, where is it in the Bible where Jesus goes out and slaughters the 1 lamb, because it ran away from the other 99? This strain of Catholics, and thinking is doing a lot of damage to these 'reconciliation' efforts, at least internally. Why must we fight ourselves?
Sometimes you should keep your enemies close, and your friends closer. Because well... you know the rest of the cliche: "With friends like these..."
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