Thursday, October 8, 2009

Te Deum laudamus!: Archbishop Chaput: Politics, Morality, and a President - an American View

Te Deum laudamus!: Archbishop Chaput: Politics, Morality, and a President - an American View

Archbishop Chaput is right again. Diane, over at Te Deum Laudamus! has posted an article talking about politics, the president, and Notre Dame. It isn't simply a rehash either. It shows how Chaput really dives into issues, and looks at the faithful Catholic core of important social and political questions.

It is hard to find fault with much of what he says, because he doesn't fly off the cuff and simply shout soundbites. He relates everything back to Christ or the church and explains in simple terms why American Catholics should view something in a particular way.

Most often, his message is that we are not looking at things through our faith eyes, but instead are looking only at one small aspect of a larger picture.

I explain to a lot of people that as humans we often think we are right because we arrive at some argument or solution that seems to make sense or add up. For example, if we were at Calvary on the first Good Friday, we would be SCREAMING at Christ to show his power over death by getting down off that cross, and proclaiming his reign over life AND DEATH. Instead, he had a different idea, one that was BETTER, one that encompassed the entirety of the faith and prophecy. One that included perfect salvation and redemption, with his resurrection.

Like that scenario, our lives need to be patient and look to God for the wisdom in how to live our faith. We also must not be afraid as Americans to place our Catholicism at the head, and demand more from our politicians. They are not perfect, and therefore we should not pretend that one is.

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