I was inspired by the Maureen Dowd article that I referenced in the post prior to this one. I realized I should probably award this honor to folks, so that they feel good about writing about the faith and "Upholding" it... at least in the same way 7 year olds think that they are "fighting evil" when they shoot their household cat with a nerf gun :) I am using CERF as to not bring scandal upon the Nerf brand or company. So Ms. Dowd wins the award for this past week, and who knows, maybe as time goes on I will keep track and present monthly and yearly awards! So if you have any nominations, just send them in and we will see what we can do!

(***DISCLAIMER****: Nerf in no way sponosors this award. I am using Nerf in a completely satrical, educational, and referential way to explain the "soft" and "un-dangerous" way that certain individuals choose to fight the battle versus evil. I expect to make no money off of
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